Alfa Radio – Assistance navigation and communication equipment - Alfa Radio

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Areas covered by our Company:
  • Telecommunications, maritime and naval
  • Telecommunications civil, professional, amateur and military
  • Electronic instrumentation for land, nautical and aeronautical navigation
  • Video surveillance and entertainment systems
  • Programming Center for C-MAP and Navionics cartography


Since its founding in 1980, Alfa Radio has always distinguished in the trade of electronics for navigation, with special attention to the branch of communications both marine and terrestrial. The evolution to digital and the increasing use of satellites made us to specialize more and more in this area.
True expert in everything to do with the on-board electronics equipment, the Alfa Radio staff is able to supply, install, program and repair not just the equipment listed in our catalogue but even the most of the equipment on board.
Great relevance is given to technical assistance which is guaranteed in case of emergency within 24 hours in Italy and within 48 hours in the rest of the world.
Our principles are reliability and competence, contact us with confidence, you will not be disappointed!

Alfaradio S.R.L
Via dei devoto 121
Lavagna, GE 16033 - -
Tel: 0185-321458
Fax: 0185-312924
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